London: House Price Growth and the Driving Factors

The Problem

In 2023, LandTech was reaching the tail end of its S curve growth. A wave of new competitors had entered the market, competing on price, and niching down on certain market subsegments, and creating more targeted features.

A bit of background

While product raced to catch-up and offer superior quality to LandTech’s new competitors, a blue ocean strategy was devised to build a further moat around the product’s positioning: The LandTech Ecosystem. This was pitched to prospects and customers as a plethora of offerings they get if they stick with LandTech, instead of going to alternative providers. A key part of the Ecosystem? LandTech’s market leading insights.

Enter LandTech Regional Market Reports

LandTech’s Data Jounalism, along with the Content Marketing team pitched a series of regional market reports, which would highlight a range of data insights that customers and prospects can use during their due diligence, helping them save time in their research.

Special care was taken to choose datasets that customers found valuable, but which didn’t yet have a business case for being in the product. Hence the regional and local authority housing market, a breakdown of demographics and income, and an overview of planning constraints.

Reports were created for every region in England, broken down by topic. Each report had between 500 and 1500 words of copy, and at least a half-dozen data visualisations.

You can view the reports resource centre here:

The Result

LandTech Regional Market Reports did not just provide various ideas for spin-off pieces of content and data journalism, nor provide insights to industry that was presented at our regional events, and external events, but were a critical piece of marketing collateral for account managers to use during their renweal conversations. By the end of 2023, LandTech had fought to retain net recurring revenue of 105%, meaning not only did it not lose business to its competitors, but was able to achieve uplift by 5% in a highly competitive market.