Slow Creation will Create More Value

As ChatGPT and “the algorithm” pushes firms to create stuff faster and faster.

That which is created slower and slower will create more value in the long term.

No case studies, but this is intuitive when it comes to creativity.


– Interstellar coming back to the cinema for a 10 year re release. On the other hand I don’t think I can tell you the plot of any marvel movie after Spiderman – No Way Home.

– The renewed interest in the curated, and finite, magazine format. Versus the endless scroll of algorithm recommendations.

– Media brands like Five Thirty Eight and The Verge surviving, with an emphasis on contributing to culture over page views, versus the death of BuzzFeed’s investigative journalism division, and the death of Vice.

Generative AI is a fad. It will contribute a lot of value and change how we work, but if you think ChatGPT is going to save you from learning how to actually string a few words together…

Well, let’s talk in five years.

This was originally posted on my LinkedIn.